Today we will be having a closer look at google analytics, we have discussed the metrics in a previous post and now we will have a look at some of the results from this blog. Because this blog was never promoted outside of our class then the users will not be high, here being 20. A good thing to see is the Avg Session Duration, here you can see it is 1 minute and 26 seconds which is good - this means the audience is spending time reading the posts as they would only be in or around that length. The bounce rate is 53% which isn't too bad, the average bounce rate in general is between 41-55%. (Peyton, 2020) This is definitely something I would like to improve on, after a while you will begin to learn more about your audience and what content they like the most, by keeping track of this you can then generate the content that you know they will want to read and hopefully bring down that bounce rate. This is why having analytics is so important, you get to learn yo...