If you are only starting out your journey of creating a marketing a plan, it might get a little confusing in terms of what system is the best to use and work by. Today, we will be talking about The 5 S's, developed by Dave Chaffey and it is a simple, easy to use method to plan your digital marketing strategy. Over the years we have seen various different models with the same principle, such as SWOT, SOSTACT or 7P's of the Marketing Mix. Today, lets take a closer look at the 5Ss.
This framework is an extremely useful tool to ensure your digital marketing strategy is maximised for success, so it is useful to know the ins and outs of what you should be measuring your strategy against. (Prideaux, 2020)
The main reason to create a digital marketing plan is to sell! The goal is growth, if your organisations goal is to sell a subscription then we need to keep that as our point of reference in tracking if our digital marketing activities are successful or not.
Then we have speak - This is all about the brand, and I don't mean your logo or trademark but the personality of the business. How you communicate and how you are perceived.
Serve - Add value to the online journey - through your website and social media platforms, make sure the content is up to date and relevant.
Save - this can be made simple with offers, promotions and benefits of shopping online, it also relates to the impact on the business internally, what can be made more efficient by the use of digital? is there something that could maybe save time and money?
Sizzle - This means creating an effective and engaging experience online for your audience who are satisfied and go on to recommend you, which is vital in growing and sustaining your business.
So in short, in a very highly digitized world, it is more important than ever to create new innovative ideas and strategies for your business that will help you achieve your goals. By taking these steps into consideration you will be able to enhance your online brand presence whilst also creating more leads. Win-Win!
Prideaux, J., 2020. Implementing The 5Ss Into Your Digital Strategy. [online] My Social Agency. Available at: https://www.mysocialagency.com/implementing-5s-digital-marketing-strategy/
NetXtra. 2020. 5Ss Of Digital Marketing | Netxtra. [online] Available at: <https://www.netxtra.net/insights/5ss-of-digital-marketing>
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