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Showing posts from March, 2020

Marketing Persona's

What is a User Persona? A persona is a fictional, yet realistic, description of a typical or target user of the product. A persona is an archetype instead of an actual living human, but personas should be described as if they were real people. – Aurora Harley Understanding your audience is fundamental when it comes to creating content that will generate a reaction. Learning their motivations and requirements helps in building user-centric products. You might think it's as simple as to just know what the user needs (wishful thinking), but unfortunately it's not and it's important to make sure to conduct thorough user research to reap the full benefit. As business owners or marketers, we must take the time to figure out what our audience wants to hear, not just what we want to say. So, what exactly is a Persona you ask? Simply put - it's fictional characters created to represented different aspects of your users such as their needs, goals and behaviours that m...
Blogging in 2020 Before Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat (the list goes on!), there were blogs. So it has been around for quite some time now albeit it has changed shape many times, it's core fundamentals have always been the same. From product reviews, travel guides, recipe collections and all these niche blogs all find dedicated audiences who are looking for detailed and on going content, it gives businesses the opportunity to build a knowledge base and is becoming much more important to them as it's not just used as an 'online diary' any more - it can be a very important (and successful) marketing tool. If you are a business trying to increase website traffic, having a blog is an excellent way to do so. It will give an exceptional boost to your SEO. Remember, keep the blog consistent and with relevant content and it becomes one of the best inexpensive marketing tools for you. Have you ever heard of the phrase - Content is King? Well it...